Juri Morgatchiov - Symphonic music

Composition, arrangement, execution,
recording and mastering -
Juri Morgatchiov.




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Names of compositions :

=======➤ Symphony 1 "Nostalgic" (1991), Parts 1-3
(Rewritten 10.2019)

__+__➤➤ Score
➤ Symphony 1, Part 1 - (download)

__+__➤➤ Score
➤ Symphony 1, Part 2 - (download)

__+__➤➤ Score
➤ Symphony 1, Part 3 - (download)


=======➤ Symphony 2 (1991г), Part 1
(Rewritten 10.2019)

__+__➤➤ Score
➤ Symphony 2, Part 1 - (download)


=======➤ "Flying Dutchman"

Work for a symphonic orchestra. The score is written in 1993. Soundtrack is rewritten 10.2019.

__+__➤➤ Score
➤ Flying Dutchman - (download)


=======➤ Six musical tracks written per 1994 for an illustration of video of some in the computer project George Pachikov ("ParaGraph") where characters from fairy tales Tolkien were used:

1) "Palace of elves" (rewritten in 2018)
__+__➤➤ Score
➤ Palace of elves - (download)

2) "Hobbits" (rewritten in 2018)
__+__➤➤ Score
➤ Hobbits - (download)

3) "Sleeping gnomes and goblins" (rewritten in 2020)
__+__➤➤ Score
➤ Sleeping gnomes and goblins - (download)

4) "Gendalf" (rewritten in 2018)
__+__➤➤ Score
➤ Gendalf - (download)

5) "Gnomes and sleeping dragon" (rewritten in 2020)
__+__➤➤ Score
➤ Gnomes and sleeping dragon - (download)

6) "Black forest" (rewritten in 2018)
__+__➤➤ Score
➤ Black forest - (download)


=======➤ "March for bridegrooms". (Rewritten 10.2019)

The work was written in 1994 for the Symphony orchestra on the occasion of the marriage of the author's wife's niece. Soundtrack overwritten in 2018.

__+__➤➤ Score
➤ March for bridegrooms - (download)


=======➤ "The little ballerina". (rewritten in 2020)

It is a miniature for a symphonic orchestra from an album " Children's toys " (1994) .

__+__➤➤ Score
➤ The little ballerina - (download)


=======➤ "Radonehzsky" (Rewritten 10.2019)

It is the basic theme in a symphonic statement it has been written for a film about Sergy Radonehzsky. (Producer O. Rakutko). (2002).

__+__➤➤ Score
➤ Radonehzsky - (download)


=======➤ "Anthem to Light". (Rewritten 12.2019)

Work for a symphonic orchestra, chorus, soloists (soprano and tenor), grand piano, electric bass guitar and percussion instruments.
The score is written in 1993.
Record of a full soundtrack (all structure, except a soprano, whose party is sung by the author)) is carried out in 2015.
The part of the tenor was performed by Alexander Naumenko.


Да будет Мир всем существам,
Да будут Свет и Радость!
В стремленьи Духа к небесам
Отбросится усталость.
Приходит огненный рассвет
И рушит все преграды.
Да будет мир! Да будет Свет!
Любовь – венец награды.
Ползучий мрак уходит прочь
Из глубины сознанья;
Восходит День, сменяя Ночь
В движеньи Мирозданья.
Да будет Свет во всех мирах,
Зовущий к Единенью!
Не помешает древний прах
Свершится Возрожденью.
Вновь вспыхнут сферы от Огня
В чудесном очищеньи;
И затрепещут гимны Дня
В великом Восхожденьи!

__+__➤➤ Score
➤ Anthem to Light - (download)


=======➤ "Anna Waltz" (orchestral version).

The work for symphonic orchestra. It is written for the goddaughter Anna in September, 2016 (a gift on her christening)).

__+__➤➤ Score
➤ Anna Waltz (orch.) - (скачать)


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