"Pop themes plays Juri Morgatchiov"

Arrangement, execution, record and mastering :
Juri Morgatchiov


The album is written down in 2000 in house studio.




Ot this playlist (Flash player) :

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Names of compositions :


=======➤ 1) "Autumn leavers"

➤ Autumn leavers - (download)

=======➤ 2) "Song for Elizabeth"

➤ Song for Elizabeth - (download)

=======➤ 3) "Emmanuelle"

➤ Emmanuelle - (download)

=======➤ 4) "English man"

➤ English man - (download)

=======➤ 5) "Caravan"

➤ Caravan - (download)

=======➤ 6) "Lullaby of birdland"

➤ Lullaby of birdland - (download)

=======➤ 7) "Lady Madonna"

➤ Lady Madonna - (download)

=======➤ 8) "Something"

➤ Something - (download)

=======➤ 9) "Just us"

➤ Just us - (download)

=======➤ 10) "Like a lover the morning sun"

➤ Like a lover the morning sun - (download)

=======➤ 11) "Can't buy me love"

➤ Can't buy me love - (download)

=======➤ 12) "Beyound the sea"

➤ Beyound the sea - (download)

=======➤ 13) "Boulevard of broken dreams"

➤ Boulevard of broken dreams - (download)

=======➤ 14) "Summertime"

➤ Summertime - (download)

=======➤ 15) "The girl from Ipanema"

➤ The girl from Ipanema - (download)

=======➤ 16) "Strangers in the night"

➤ Strangers in the night - (download)

=======➤ 17) "O sole mio"

➤ O sole mio - (download)

=======➤ 18) "Rock blues"

➤ Rock blues - (download)

=======➤ 19) "Autumn leavers vers-2" - the version with an accordion (specially for Slava Pishikin) :

➤ Autumn leavers vers2 - (download)

=======➤ 20) "Utro-Shostakovich" (Jazz) - the arrangement of the Shostakovich's song :


Pop Themes play JuM


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