Juri Morgatchiov - Choral and vocal music

Composition, arrangement, execution,
recording and mastering -
Juri Morgatchiov.




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=======➤ "Otche nash" - a cappella, for man's chorus, 1980.

➤ "Otche nash" - (download)
+++ ➤ Score and Parts

=======➤ "Bogoroditse Devo raduisya" - a cappella, for the mixed chorus, 1980.

➤ "Bogoroditse Devo raduisya" - (download)
+++ ➤ Score and Parts

=======➤ "Heruvimskaya" - a cappella, for the mixed chorus, 1980.

➤ "Heruvimskaya" - (download)
+++ ➤ Score and Parts

=======➤ "Penitential prayer" - a cappella, for man's chorus, 2024.
Verses - elder N. Guryanov

➤ "Penitential prayer" - (download)
+++ ➤ Score and Parts

=======➤ "Farewell" - a cappella, for the mixed chorus, 1980.
Verses - G. Apollinaire, M. Kudinov's translation.

➤ "Farewell" - (download)
+++ ➤ Score and Parts

=======➤ "Garden" - for women's choir and piano, 1991.
Verses - A. Akhmatova.

➤ "Garden" - (download)
+++ ➤ Score and Parts

=======➤ "Five miniatures for women's choir" (a cappella, 1991)
Verses - A. Akhmatova.

I. Spell

➤ "Spell" - (download)
+++ ➤ Score and Parts

II. Tearful autumn

➤ "Tearful autumn" - (download)
+++ ➤ Score and Parts

III. Ditty

➤ "Ditty" - (download)
+++ ➤ Score and Parts

IV. Separation

➤ "Separation" - (download)
+++ ➤ Score and Parts

V. I see, I see the moon bow

➤ "I see, I see the moon bow" - (download)
+++ ➤ Score and Parts

=======➤ "Love" - a cappella, for the mixed chorus, 1991.
Verses - A. Akhmatova.

➤ "Love" - (download)
+++ ➤ Score and Parts

=======➤ "Concert for mixed choir" - a cappella, 1991.
Verses - J. Morgatchiov.

➤ "Concert for mixed choir" - (download)
+++ ➤ Score and Parts

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=======➤ "Flower" - romance for tenor and piano, 1975. (without vocal)
Verses - A. Pushkin

➤ "Flower" - (download)
+++ ➤ Score

******************************************************************************************** =======➤ "On a blue evening" - romance for tenor and piano, 1975 г. (without vocal)
Verses - S. Esenin.

➤ "On a blue evening" - (download)
+++ ➤ Score

=======➤ "Scarce a ray..." - romance for tenor and piano, 1976. (without vocal)
Verses - O. Mandelshtam

➤ "Scarce a ray" - (download)
+++ ➤ Score

Initial version with guitar performed by the author.
(Narofominsk, army service, 1976, recorded on the street on a dictaphone)))

=======➤ "Fountain" - romance for tenor and piano, 1977 г. (without vocal)
Verses - Ch. Baudelaire

➤ "Fountain" - (download)
+++ ➤ Score

=======➤ "Romance #1 on poems by A. Akhmatova"
(for female voice and piano, 1991) (without vocal)

➤ "Romance #1" - (download)
+++ ➤ Score

=======➤ "Romance #2 on poems by A. Akhmatova"
(for female voice and piano, 1991) (without vocal)

➤ "Romance #2" - (download)
+++ ➤ Score

=======➤ "Romance #3 on poems by A. Akhmatova"
(for female voice and piano, 1991) (without vocal)

➤ "Romance #2" - (download)
+++ ➤ Score



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