Juri Morgatchiov
Music for children

Composition, arrangement, execution and mastering -
Juri Morgatchiov.

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The album " Children's toys " is written down in 1994 in house studio.
A vocal - in author's execution (a demo version).
All midi tracks is written down on a synthesizer of firm Ensoniq TS-10.

__+__➤➤ Piano score

Here references to tracks from an album are given:

_____ 1) Overture _____
➤ Overture

_____ 2) Clown _____
➤ Clown

_____ 3) Ball _____
➤ Ball

_____ 4) Lullaby _____
➤ Lullaby

_____ 5) Stannic soldiers _____
➤ Stannic soldiers

_____ 6) Hare under a rain _____
➤ Hare under a rain

_____ 7) Teddy bear _____
➤ Teddy bear

_____ 8) Toy cars _____
➤ Toy cars

_____ 9) The wolf and hare _____
➤ The wolf and hare

_____ 10) New Year's song _____
➤ New Year's song

_____ 11) Little ballerina _____
➤ Little ballerina

➤ The album " Children's toys " - Soundtracks without vocal


____ Following tracks are music from telecasts for children. _____

"Magic valise" - producer N. Komov :

1) Waltz-comics
➤ Waltz-comics

2) Dance of a birdy
➤ Dance of a birdy

3) Buffoon-snowman
➤ Buffoon-snowman

4) Ragtime
➤ Regtime

5) Hobbyhorse and horsewoman
➤ Hobbyhorse and horsewoman

6) Duet-cancan
➤ Duet-cancan

7) Choir of flowers
➤ Choir of flowers

8) Chekob
➤ Chekob

9) African ostrich
➤ African ostrich

10) Magic valise
➤ Magic valise


"Memorina" - author T. Chernjaeva

1) Memorina
➤ Memorina

2) Memoring
➤ Memoring


"Fable plus" - producer N. Komov :

1) Fable plus
➤ Fable plus

2) Fable plus (version vocal performed by the author)
➤ Fable plus - vocal Ju.M.


➤ --- To main page ---


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