**** "Back from USSR" ****

(arranged by Juri Morgatchiov)



It is the first disk of the project 'Russian Rock in Classic': "Back from USSR". The presentation took place on March, 19th 2002 in the Kremlin palace.

The idea to execute classical hits of russian rock music completely according to canons of a symphonic genre with the subsequent record and release of several albums was born in a head at Vladimir Migursky. Idea in a context of world musical culture far not new, but at us till now not realized. Task of authors of the project became creation of independent symphonic products on the basis of melodies all known rock-compositions. These compositions :

"Goodbye America" V. Butusov
"The sky becomes closer" B. Grebenschikov
"Who is guilty?" A. Romanov
"You or me" A. Makarevich
"Give me to drink by water" G. Sukachov
"Good-bye mum" N. Devlet-Kildeev
"The musician" K. Nikolsky
"Black moon" G. Samoilov
"The Rain" J. Shevchuk
"Mama" V. Kuzmin
"We wait for changes" V. Tzoi

The arranger who has shifted for an orchestra these melodies became Juri Morgatchiov chosen by project creators from ten applicants.
The orchestra under direction of Volf Gorelika was formed of musicians of the Big theatre, Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical theatre, the state symphonic orchestras.



Or this playlist (Flash Player) :

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Names of compositions:


=======➤ 1) "Goodbye America"

=======➤ 2) "The sky becomes closer"

=======➤ 3) "Who is guilty"

=======➤ 4) "You or me"

=======➤ 5) "Give me to drink by water"

=======➤ 6) "Goodbye mum"

=======➤ 7) "The musician"

=======➤ 8) "Black moon"

=======➤ 9) "The Rain"

=======➤ 10) "Mama"

=======➤ 11) "I want changes"


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