___"Destiny Dances" - ballet suite (2012) ___

Composition, arrangement, execution, recording and mastering - Juri Morgatchiov





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Ballet suite "Destiny Dances". It is written by request of private ballet troupe. 2012.
(Rewritten in 2019)


The names of the numbers:

1) Presage :
__+__➤➤ Score
➤ - (download)

2) Serenity of ignorance :
__+__➤➤ Score
➤ - (download)

3) Meeting with the novel :
__+__➤➤ Score
➤ - (download)

4) Meditation :
__+__➤➤ Score
➤ - (download)

5) Grief of loneliness :
__+__➤➤ Score
➤ - (download)

6) Dance of shadows of the future :
__+__➤➤ Score
➤ - (download)

7) Messengers of alarm :
__+__➤➤ Score
➤ - (download)

8) Waltz of hopes :
__+__➤➤ Score
➤ - (download)

9) Infernal guests :
__+__➤➤ Score
➤ - (download)

10) Traditional cancan of temptations :
__+__➤➤ Score
➤ - (download)

11) Dance of thoughts-desires :
__+__➤➤ Score
➤ - (download)

12) Dance with a skeleton :
__+__➤➤ Score
➤ - (download)

13) Dance of masks :
__+__➤➤ Score
➤ - (download)



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